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Celebrating Vice President Shettima @ 58; Stanley Nkwocha  eulogises boss

In what seemed like an epistle, Stanley Nkwocha (Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media & Communications(Office of The Vice President) writes to celebrate the Vice president as he clocks 58.

In cognizance and celebration  of Senator Shettima’s birthday(The Vice president of Nigeria) Stanley Nkwocha recalls his journey
to becoming the senior special assistant on media to the vice president. He recalls,

It was Saturday, May 27th, 2023. The inauguration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu @officialABAT as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was just two days away, that is Monday, May 29th and my friend, B.K Yakubu (presently the Commissioner for Information in Kebbi State @KBStGovt) were seated at the back row of the expansive hall of the International Conference Centre, Abuja. It was the Inauguration Lecture, with former President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya @StateHouseKenya as the guest speaker. In attendance was then President Muhammadu Buhari and Senator Kashim Shettima @officialSKSM, now Vice President, who was representing then President-elect.Just as the event came to a close with the national anthem reverberating through the conference centre, the dignitaries led by then President Buhari gradually departed from the hall. Tucked in the corner at the back row were myself and Hon. Yakubu. As the Vice President walked past our row with his retinue of security aides, we waved at him, not really sure if he would notice us or not. Just as our eyes met, he beckoned at me to come forward. I moved towards him, and he muttered what I considered a tall order to me. “Go get ready. You are joining me to the Villa. There is work to be done,” he said and continued moving.

For the journalist at that time,  singling him out of a crowd filled with dignitaries was a dream come through. The icing in the offer was that the Senator chose an “Igbo man” to manage his brand; thus deffering ethnic bigotry and tribal differences. Stanley Nkwocha recalled  their first meeting fifteen years ago. Hence, he  had no hindrance doing as he was told.  In his words,

For the next few days, as I processed the VP’s unequivocal instruction to me, lots of thoughts raced through my head. I kept reflecting on my life’s journey, particularly the first day I met with the Vice President. That was about 15 years ago as a young journalist with LEADERSHIP Newspapers. I took time to reminisce about my relationship with him; his support, humility and friendship over the years and why he was opting for me, an ‘Igbo man,’ to manage his brand, image, communication and publicity as the Vice President. It was a thought that really got the emotional side of me for a long time.”

The media aid to the vice president, explained the processes of his appointment,  the vice president’s objective and the rule he had to follow as he began his journey to undertaking his responsibility. He recounted,

Upon assuming office,  on Tuesday,  May 30, 2023, I got a call requesting my curriculum vitae. On assumption of duty following my subsequent appointment, I proceeded to his office for my very first briefing, and I will never forget what he told me, “Stanley, “he called me by my first name. “We will need to work assiduously to ensure the President succeeds. He holds me in high esteem. We cannot afford to fail him. I will not interfere with your job. I will give you all the free hand to do your job as best as you can. But there is a red line you all must never cross. So long as I am here and so long as I remain the Vice President, there will be only one President. You must never ever forget that. We all must know that we are all here at his behest. All our efforts must be directed to support him. This, I won’t compromise. Go get to work”, he told me in a calm but empathic tone.”

In his epistle, Stanley Nkwocha, identifies the wealth of experience he has gathered,  the outcome and benefits. He observed,

Since I started working with Senator Shettima, it has been a new experience altogether.In his four-fold shot at public service positions – Commissioner, Governor, Senator, and now, Vice President – Shettima has demonstrated what is possible when a leader prioritises majoritarian principle (greatest good for greatest number) over narrow, pedestal and selfish interests.

He expressed further,

Throughout his political career, Senator Shettima has consistently demonstrated the attributes of an effective leader, inspiring hope and progress at every level he has served. It has been an extraordinary privilege to serve as a Senior Special Assistant to the President (Office of the Vice President) under him, an experience that has profoundly impacted my life and career”

For Stanley Nkwocha, working closely with the Vice President has been a mentoring attitude by the vice president for him because of the skills he has learned.

He praised the vice President for his charisma and leadership strength. He said,

One of his most remarkable leadership qualities is his ability to unite people across party lines and regional divides. His inclusivity, empathy, and compassion have earned him widespread respect and admiration. I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand his tireless efforts to drive meaningful change. From championing initiatives that uplift marginalised communities to advocating policies that promote economic growth and development, his impact is undeniable.His leadership is characterised by a clear vision for a better Nigeria, which he implements with courage and strength. He has a unique ability to inspire and motivate others to work towards a common goal, making him a true visionary leader.Shettima’s down-to-earth demeanor, genuine interest in others, and outstanding leadership skills have earned him admiration. The willingness to listen and learn from others is a testament to his remarkable empathy and compassion. He has a heart for the people, and his leadership is guided by a deep sense of humanity, humility and humour.

Stanley Nkwoacha explained the dedication and chievements of Senator Shettima when he was the Governor of Bornu state. He wrote about the support of Senator Shettima to President Tinubu. He explained,

In a political landscape where loyalty is often tested, Vice President Shettima stands out as a beacon of dedication and commitment to his principal, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu @officialABAT. His unwavering support and teamwork demonstrate a refreshing shift towards harmonious collaboration, setting a positive tone for their administration.VP Shettima’s recent praise for President Tinubu is heartfelt and genuine, describing him as a “good soul” and a leader Nigerians can trust. He has consistently demonstrated his loyalty through his words and actions, showcasing a remarkable ability to connect with people from all walks of life.Unlike previous presidencies which were mired in protracted public disagreements between vice presidents and their bosses, VP Shettima’s approach is a welcome change. He has proven himself to be a true partner to President Tinubu, working tirelessly to support his initiatives and vision for Nigeria.

He advised with facts on those peddling conspiracy

He said,

For those peddling ludicrous conspiracy theories of a fictional rift in the presidency which, according to the schemers, has led to Senator Shettima being sidelined and stripped of his roles as Vice President, here is also an opportunity to know the facts. In the history of Nigeria’s Presidency, no Vice President has enjoyed the total confidence and full support of his principal like Shettima. In return, his loyalty to his boss, President Tinubu, as attested by well-meaning Nigerians who have been keeping tab with the goings-on in the presidency, is absolute and unalloyed.

Stanley Nkwocha believes that, Senator Shettima’s leadership qualities will improve Nigeria and raise a new generation of change markers.

As he celebrates  his mentor and boss, he is of the opinion that, celebrating him at 58 is more than celebrating a number. He recounts,
“For me, therefore, as the Vice President celebrates his 58th birthday, it is more than celebrating a number. It is more for me the opportunity and moment to reflect on his remarkable leadership qualities, which have endeared him to millions of Nigerians, contrary to some mendacious narratives about an imaginary and non-existent marginalisation of the Vice President, as well as pockets of tendentious mudslinging and smear campaigns targeted at mischaracterisation and projection of an illusory strife in the presidency.

As we celebrate his 58th birthday, we honour a true servant-leader who has made a profound impact on Nigeria. His legacy continues to inspire generations to come, and his influence has touched countless lives. Shettima’s leadership is a shining example for Nigerians and leaders worldwide, demonstrating that effective leadership is not just about position or power but about serving others with humility, compassion, and vision.

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