October 16, 2024 New York
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Global Affairs Hub 247 > News > Entertainment > YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO FOOD


As a primary need of human, food can never be substituted. The human body reflects the type and quality of food you eat.

It is on record that the World Farmers produce  more food  than the global population. Yet, hunger has stamped itself in the face of the world and has no tendency  to depart soon.

The food and Agricultural organisation stresses that,
“Around 733 million people are facing hunger in the world due to repeated weather shocks, conflicts, economic downturns, inequality, and the pandemic. This impacts the poor and vulnerable most severely, many of whom are agricultural households, reflecting widening inequalities across and within countries.”

As a challenge too, not eating adequate nutritious meal is worse as cases of malnutrition, under nutrition and obesity  exists. It is advised that food with the tendency to decay if kept for a long time supercedes all other processed, overly processed, canned or preservative foods that can stand shelf life for a long time.

The food and Agriculture organisation posits that,
“Over 2.8 billion people in the world are unable to afford a healthy diet. Unhealthy diets are the leading cause of all forms of malnutrition – undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity, which now exist in most countries, cutting across socio-economic classes. Yet today, too many people suffer from hunger and are unable to afford healthy diets. More vulnerable people are often forced to rely on staple foods or less expensive foods that can be unhealthy, while others suffer from the unavailability of fresh or varied foods, lack the information they need to choose a healthy diet, or simply opt for convenience. “

Well, Why choose convenience and abstinence from a good and healthy meal even when the choice is there? For most people, there is no choice as the economy and the economic situation of most countries are deteriorating.

Foods  considered as the “ordinary man’s” resort cannot even be afforded. Staple foods like garri, yam, plantain, tomatoes, rice, beans are up in the ladder of extensive prices, waiting for the highest bidder.

However it is…
It is world food day.
You have the right to food and feed.
Eat the right food.
Eat quality food.
The quality of food you eat reflects you!

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